Things You Will Always Use
- <!DOCTYPE html> - Defines the document type.
- <html> - Root element of an HTML page.
- <head> - Container for meta-data.
- <title> - Title of the page.
- <body> - Container for the content of the page.
- <h1> to <h6> - Headings, with <h1> being the largest.
- <p> - Paragraph.
- <br> - Line break.
Things You Will Likely Use
- <a href="URL"></a> - Anchor tag for links.
- <img src="image.jpg" alt="description"> - Image tag.
- <button></button> - Button tag.
- <input type="text"> - Input tag.
- <form action="URL"></form> - Form tag.
- <label for="id"></label> - Label tag.
- <select name="name" id="id"></select> - Select tag.
Useful but Not Always Needed
- <div></div> - Division or section in an HTML document.
- <span></span> - Inline container for text.
- <table></table> - Table tag.
- <ul></ul> - Unordered list.
- <ol></ol> - Ordered list.
- <li></li> - List item.
- <header></header> - Header section.
- <footer></footer> - Footer section.
Advanced Elements
- <article></article> - Self-contained content.
- <aside></aside> - Content aside from the main content.
- <details></details> - Additional details the user can view or hide.
- <summary></summary> - Summary for the <details> element.
- <figure></figure> - Specifies self-contained content.
- <figcaption></figcaption> - Caption for the <figure> element.